Alamo Area
Metropolitan Planning Organization
We plan to keep you moving!
Upcoming Meetings
Executive Committee
Wedneday, February 12, 2025 at 9:30 a.m.
Active Transportation Advisory Committee
Wedneday, February 12, 2025 at 3:00 p.m.

We Need Your Input!
Transportation decisions affect the daily lives of everyone in our community. Whether it’s improving traffic flow, enhancing public transit, or creating safer streets, we need your input to shape the future of transportation in the Alamo Area. Your feedback is important to ensure transportation improvements align with the community’s needs and priorities.

We Are Hiring!
The Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (AAMPO) is seeking an EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR to work with its Transportation Policy Board (TPB), elected officials, transportation agency staff, and the general public to administer the development and maintenance of its Unified Planning Work Program, Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Program, and conformity documents to sustain federal certification requirements for its study area.

FY27-30 Call for Projects
The Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (AAMPO) has kicked off the FY 2027-2030 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Call for Projects. The Call for Projects is a competitive process used to award federal funding for transportation projects and programs throughout the AAMPO region. This project call includes funding opportunities for projects and programs eligible under the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ), Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG), Transportation Alternatives (TA), and Carbon Reduction (CRP) funding programs.
Tools & Shortcuts
What We Do
MPO's are regional agencies created by Federal law to provide local direction for urban transportation planning and the allocation of federal transportation funds to urbanized areas with populations greater than 50,000. AAMPO's mission is to provide a comprehensive, cooperative and continuous ("3C") transportation planning process for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods, consistent with the region's overall economic, social and environmental goals. Special emphasis is placed on providing equal access to a variety of transportation choices and effective public involvement in the transportation planning process.
We value your input, so please contact us with any questions or suggestions or to become more involved in the planning process.
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