Safety Planning Overview
The Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (AAMPO) is using safety as a key factor in its planning and decision-making processes. AAMPO recognizes that improving transportation safety is essential to ensuring the well-being of the residents and visitors in the Alamo region. To achieve this, AAMPO works collaboratively with its partners and stakeholders to identify potential safety hazards on roads, bridges, and other transportation infrastructure. AAMPO also prioritizes the allocation of resources for safety improvements, including solutions such as signal upgrades, improved signage, and road markings. Additionally, AAMPO invests in education and outreach efforts to increase public awareness of safe driving practices and pedestrian and cyclist safety. By prioritizing safety in its planning and decision-making, AAMPO is working towards creating a transportation system that is safer and more accessible for everyone.

Around the Clock
The clock graphic illustrates the frequency of traffic crashes, injuries, and fatalities throughout the day on Texas roads.
As each second, minute, and hour ticks by, crashes, injuries, and fatalities steadily accumulate.
Data shows that on weekends the peak fatality hour occurred after midnight, around 2:22 a.m.
AAMPO safety programs include safety classes, bike rodeos to promote safe cycling for children, and Walkable Community Workshops to evaluate pedestrian access and recommend improvements. AAMPO continues its commitment and support for the Vision Zero initiative to reduce active transportation related accidents, injuries, and deaths. The initiative is active in Kirby, Leon Valley, and the City of San Antonio. In 2018, AAMPO hosted the first regional Vision Zero summit and is exploring the opportunity to host another one in the near future.
The Safe Streets and Roads for All grant program, outlined in section 24112 of the IIJA, provides for MPOs to apply for funding to complete a comprehensive safety action plan. AAMPO will research and consider this opportunity as more federal guidance is issued. AAMPO also considers how a project will affect safety and works to mitigate any potential negative safety impacts. By incorporating safety into project selection, AAMPO is working to improve the overall safety of the transportation system in the Alamo region.
Safety used in Project Selection

AAMPO evaluates proposed transportation projects using crash frequency and rates. Each submitted project is carefully evaluated and ranked based on a variety of criteria, with a particular emphasis on projects that have the greatest potential to improve safety. AAMPO considers a range of safety-related factors, such as the number and severity of crashes that have occurred in the area, as well as the potential safety benefits of the proposed project. By prioritizing safety in its project evaluation process, AAMPO is working to ensure that transportation investments are focused on improving safety outcomes and creating a more efficient and effective transportation system for residents and visitors.
Active Transportation Program
AAMPO’s Walkable Community Workshops offer several potential safety benefits. These workshops bring together community members, transportation planners, and other stakeholders to discuss strategies for creating safe, walkable communities. By promoting walking and other forms of active transportation, these workshops can help reduce the number of motor vehicle trips on local roads, which can help reduce the risk of crashes and improve overall safety. In addition, the workshops may address other safety issues, such as improving street lighting, enhancing pedestrian crossings, and creating more accessible sidewalks, and bike lanes. By providing a forum for community members and transportation professionals to collaborate and share best practices, Walkable Community workshops can help create safer and more vibrant communities for everyone.
One example of a cooperative effort to explore safer walking and cycling routes is the effort conducted for the City of New Braunfels and coordinated with AAMPO staff. The City of New Braunfels, with the guidance of AAMPO staff, conducted a Walkable Community Workshop. Additionally, AAMPO staff attended a farmers’ market and collected walking and pedal cycling concerns from local residents. The AAMPO GIS staff created a crowdsource application to collect and visualize all the comments collected from these efforts. The final report was presented to the City of New Braunfels leadership.

Street Skills
The Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (AAMPO) hosts Street Skills classes to promote safety in the transportation system. Street Skills classes are educational courses that aim to increase knowledge and awareness of safe bicycling practices. AAMPO works with community partners to provide these classes to anyone 14 years of age or older and with varying skill levels. By educating people on how to safely navigate the streets by bicycle, AAMPO is working to reduce the number of crashes involving cyclists. In addition to promoting safety, Street Skills classes encourages people to use active transportation, which has many health and environmental benefits. By investing in education and outreach efforts, like Street Skills classes, AAMPO is working to create a safer and more sustainable transportation system in the Alamo region.
Learn more about our Street Skills classes.
Regional Safety Programs Supported by AAMPO
Wrong Way Driver Program
The Wrong Way Driver Program is a partnership between the San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) and TxDOT. Using closed-circuit television (CCTV), TransGuide System Operators monitor for wrong way drivers (WWD). Once a WWD is identified, SAPD is notified and the dynamic message signs are updated to make other drivers aware there has been a WWD reported in the area and urging extreme caution. Since the program started in 2011, TxDOT has worked with SAPD to stop 94 WWD on the highways before a crash could occur, saving at least 94 lives. In 2015, the program received a National Roadway Safety Award from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The program has received national and international attention for its success over the years. TxDOT’s San Antonio District continues to seek new and innovative technology in WWD detection and is the recognized leader for preventing WWD crashes in Texas.
Traffic Jam
AAMPO actively participates in TxDOT’s Traffic Jam Coalition. The San Antonio Traffic Jam Coalition's purpose is to educate and bring awareness for a safer community. Its mission statement is "To educate the community by providing safe and reliable information for all modes of transportation through collaboration and partnership, thereby saving lives". The coalition focuses on issues, such as drinking and driving, texting and driving, drowsy driving, motorcycle safety and bicycle/pedestrian safety. The committee meets once a month and AAMPO has been participating since 2015.
Safe Kids Coalition
AAMPO is a member of the Safe Kids San Antonio Coalition which is led by University Health. Based on the needs of the community, this coalition implements evidence-based programs, such as car-seat checkups, safety workshops, and sports clinics, that help parents and caregivers prevent childhood injuries.
Highway Emergency Response Operator (HERO)
The TxDOT Highway Emergency Response Operator (HERO) program was launched in September 2020. The HERO program is a 24/7 motorist assist and incident management program that covers cover 239 centerline miles of TxDOT highways in Bexar, Comal and Kendall counites. Monday thru Friday, from 5 am to 9 pm, HERO trucks continuously patrol twelve routes throughout the AAMPO region, looking for motorists in need of assistance and any kind of traffic incident that needs traffic control to make the incident scene safer for first responders and motorists.
Vision Zero

The Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (AAMPO) is committed to supporting Vision Zero, a strategy aimed at eliminating traffic fatalities and severe injuries on the roadways. To achieve this goal, the AAMPO is working with local agencies and community groups to improve transportation infrastructure and promote safer driving behaviors. This includes implementing traffic calming measures, improving pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and increasing public education and awareness campaigns. AAMPO recognizes that every traffic-related death or injury is preventable, and by working towards Vision Zero, they are taking important steps towards creating a safer and more equitable transportation system for everyone in the region.
The Road to Zero
The Road to Zero is a safety campaign launched by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) with the goal of reducing the number of traffic fatalities on Texas roads to zero by the year 2050. The campaign focuses on a data-driven approach to identify the leading causes of crashes and works to implement targeted solutions to improve road safety. The Road to Zero campaign includes a variety of initiatives, such as education and outreach efforts, engineering improvements to roadways, and increased enforcement of traffic laws. TxDOT's ultimate aim is to create a culture of safe driving in Texas and make the state's roads safer for everyone.
The Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (AAMPO) is a regional transportation planning agency responsible for the allocation of federal transportation funds in the AAMPO Study Area. In an effort to improve road safety in the region, AAMPO has implemented several interactive mapping applications that allow users to explore and analyze traffic crash data. The application provides detailed information on the location, severity, and causes of crashes, as well as demographic and environmental factors that may have contributed to the incidents. By using this tool, transportation planners and policymakers can identify high-risk areas and prioritize safety improvements, such as the installation of traffic signals, signage, and pedestrian crossings. The AAMPO's interactive mapping applications are an innovative approach to road safety planning that leverages technology to make data-driven decisions and ultimately making the roads safer for all users.
Alamo Area MPO Interactive Safety Applications

"iMap," an interactive mapping application developed by the GIS Staff at the Alamo Area MPO, serves as a comprehensive hub for transportation geographic data. The application was designed with citizens and partner agency staff in mind and provides a wide range of functionality. This includes basic features such as searching, creating and printing custom maps, and identifying information on projects in the short-range TIP plan and long-range MTP plan, as well as more advanced capabilities. The iMap application is a valuable tool that can be used by planners and other professionals involved in transportation planning and decision-making processes, as well as members of the general public seeking information on transportation infrastructure and services in the region.
Fatal/Serious Injury Crash Dashboard
This interactive and dynamic dashboard, powered by ArcGIS Online Dashboards, provides information on fatal and suspected serious injury crashes within AAMPO's four county region over the most recent complete five year period. Users may apply a variety of filters and flags to the data - such as day of week, time of day, intersection-related, active transportation mode, school zone, construction work zone, weather conditions, and many more.