FY 2027-2030
Call for Projects
Project Call Begins
The FY 2027-2030 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Call for Projects is a competitive process used to award federal funding for transportation projects and programs throughout the AAMPO region. This project call includes funding opportunities for projects and programs eligible under the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ), Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG), Transportation Alternatives (TA), and Carbon Reduction (CRP) funding programs. This project call will be conducted in a two-step process: 1) Eligibility Review and 2) Final Application. See schedule listings for more details.
Mandatory Informational Workshops
Workshop attendance (online or in-person) is mandatory for all applicants.
Click here to download the presentation.
Informational Workshop #1
TxDOT San Antonio, Building 24615 NW Loop 410
San Antonio, Texas 78229
Microsoft Teams:
- Meeting ID:
- 262 249 170 176
- Passcode:
- 9tp3XV3D
- Toll Free Call-In:
- +1 737-787-8607
- Phone Conference ID:
- 364 313 330#
Informational Workshop #2
Alamo Regional Transit Board Room8200 Perrin Beitel Rd., Ste 101
San Antonio, Texas 78218
Webex Meetings:
- Toll Free Call-In:
- 1-844-992-4726
- Meeting number (access code):
- 2486 797 0099
- Meeting password:
- ProjectCall1219
Step 1: Project Eligibility Phase Applications Due
Step 1 is intended to screen applications for eligibility of program funds. The submittal includes information regarding project scope, cost, location, and other details used to determine project eligibility for each specific funding category. Projects will be reviewed and notices for eligibility sent in the order in which they are submitted.
Click to use the Project Submittal FormFunding Programs Information and Tools
- Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program
- Carbon Reduction Program
- Transportation Alternatives (TA)
- Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG)
- CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit
- MOSERS Toolkit
- Project Development Process
- Project Understanding Form
- AAMPO FY27-30 Project Scoring Spreadsheet (.xlsx)
Eligibility Notice
Submitters will be informed of a project’s eligibility on or before April 1, 2025. Projects will be reviewed in the order received and notices will go out upon completion of eligibility review. At a minimum, eligibility requirements include meeting the conditions of the funding program, project location, and other related information submitted as part of the submittal.
Step 2: Final Applications Due
Final applications are due on or before April 30, 2025. The applications will be reviewed and considered for funding based on project development status (readiness), public comment, technical scores, and committee recommendations.
Multiagency and ATAC Scoring Workshop(s) and Public Involvement
Eligible projects will be scored, ranked by project or funding type, made available for public comment, and recommended for award and programming into the FY 2027-2030 TIP. AAMPO’s Active Transportation Advisory Committee (ATAC) will review, and make a recommendation to the TAC, for all active transportation projects regardless of funding category.
TAC Funding Recommendation Work Session
AAMPO’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) considers the multiagency work group’s feedback and public comment as factors for determining the funding recommendations to AAMPO’s Transportation Policy Board (TPB) Executive Committee. The funding recommendation process considers technical score, agency priority, public input and project development status (readiness) as well as meeting the financial constraints of each funding category.
Executive Committee Recommended Projects Presentation
Once AAMPO’s TAC funding recommendations are complete, they are considered by AAMPO’s TPB Executive Committee. The Executive Committee reviews the recommendations and deliberates the merits of the projects based on regional needs and long-term goals.
TAC and Policy Board Action on Proposed Projects
The funding recommendation process for the proposed projects occurs in two steps: the first month information is presented and the second month action is taken. This process allows for additional time for public comment and provides the committee with another opportunity to deliberate, if needed.
The TAC and TPB meetings in August 2025 will include an agenda item for information only. Both groups will take action in September 2025 to approve a list of projects for federal funding in each of the funding categories. The TAC recommends approval of the project list while the Transportation Policy Board takes ultimate action on the final list.
Action to Approve FY 2027-2030 TIP/Mobility 2050 Update/2026 Conformity Determination
Once projects are approved for funding, AAMPO drafts the FY 2027-2030 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the associated Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Mobility 2050, and the 2026 Transportation Conformity Determination. All three of these documents will be considered by TAC and TPB in a two-step process with information in April 2026 and action in May 2026.