Transportation Conformity
Transportation Conformity Determination
Alamo Area MPO reevaluated the required Air Quality Analysis used to develop the 2024 Transportation Conformity Determination (TCD) and the draft document is available for public comment. Public Comment on the draft TCD and the related FY 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program will continue until Transportation Policy Board adoption. The initial public comment period ran from April 29, 2024 to May 31, 2024. Since then, projects have been revised and reanalysis is complete. All public comments received will be addressed and documented in the final version of the TCD’s Appendix G. This Determination is being developed to meet the requirements of the 2015 8-hour Ozone NAAQS based on Bexar County’s current nonattainment status of Serious. The AAMPO Transportation Policy Board will consider the 2024 Transportation Conformity Document and make a local determination of conformity as soon as possible. To stay up to date, or get more information, please track the Technical Advisory Committee and Transportation Policy Board meetings or contact Sonia Jimenez at or by phone at 210-230-6904.
2024 Draft Conformity Determination
- Resolution of AdoptionApproved on July 22, 2024
- B.1 - Mobility 2050: Full Document Amendments PendingLocally Approved 06/27/2022
- B.2 - 2025-2028 TIP Adoption Pending
- B.3 - MTP Project Listing: PDF | CSV | Excel
- C.1 - Travel Model Validation (.pdf)
- C.2 - Links, Miles, and Lane Miles Summaries (.pdf)
- C.3 - Link Listing and Capacity Staging: BUILD (.csv) | NO BUILD (.csv) | Facility Types Legend (.pdf)
- C.4 - Roadway Network Files (.zip)
- D.1 - MOVES Inputs and Outputs (.zip)
- D.2 - MOVES Emission Factors (.zip)
- D.3 - Activity (.zip)
- D.4 - Emissions Modelling Utilities (.pdf)
- D.5 - VMT, Speed, and Emissions Summary (.zip)
* Alamo Area nonattainment area does not have listed TCMs in SIP.
E.1 - MoSERS Methodology/Calculation DescriptionsE.2 - MoSERS Project Listing
- F.1 - Approved PACP – AAMPO PLN (.pdf)
- F.2 - Consultation review and meeting summaryIn Process
- G.1 - Meeting Information (.pdf)
- G.2 - Public Comment Summary
Past Conformity Documents
2023 Transportation Conformity Determination Document
AAMPO invited input on its draft 2023 Transportation Conformity Document during a 30-day public comment period beginning October 30, 2022 through December 1, 2022. All public comments received will be addressed and documented in the document. Additional information was added to the document addressing additional requirements for Moderate nonattainment areas. The version of the document originally approved by the Transportation Policy Board on June 27, 2022 addressed only requirements for Marginal nonattainment. Responses to public comments will be incorporated into the draft document. The AAMPO Transportation Policy Board will consider the 2023 Transportation Conformity Document for approval at the December 12, 2022 meeting.
All files are in Adobe .PDF format unless otherwise indicated.
- Transportation Conformity Determination Document Locally Approved 10/17/2022
- US DOT Conformity Concurrence Letter 08/03/2023
- EPA Conformity Concurrence Letter 08/02/2023
- TCEQ Conformity Concurrence Letter 06/29/2023
- TxDOT Concurrence Letter 08/01/2023
- 12.1 - Resolution
- 12.2 - Mobility 2050 | Funded Projects Listing Locally Approved 06/27/2022
- 12.3 - 2023-2026 TIP Locally Approved 06/27/2022
- 12.4 - Travel Model Validation 10/17/2022
- 12.5 - Links, Miles, and Lane Miles Summaries 08/02/2023
- 12.6 - Definition of Regionally Significant Roadway System 05/18/2022
- 12.7 - Roadway System (Capacity Staging) and Network Link Listing - BUILD | NO-BUILD 08/02/2023
- 12.8 - Network Shapefiles (.zip) 08/02/2023
- 12.9 - Mode Choice Model Summaries 10/17/2022
- 12.10 - MOVES Information and Analysis Notes 10/17/2022
- 12.11 - MOVES Input and Output Files (.zip) 10/17/2022
- 12.12 - MOVES Emission Factors (.zip) 10/17/2022
- 12.13 - Estimated Hourly Emissions and Activity (.zip) 10/17/2022
- 12.14 - VMT, Speed, and Emissions Summaries (.zip) 10/17/2022
- 12.15 - Interagency Consultation Process 12/09/2022
- 12.16 - Public Involvement Process 12/09/2022
2021 Transportation Conformity Document
The MPO invited input on its 2021 Transportation Conformity Document during a 30-day public comment period December 14, 2020 – January 12, 2021. All public comments received have been addressed and documented in the document.
All files are in Adobe .PDF format unless otherwise indicated.
- Transportation Conformity Determination Document
- FHWA Conformity Concurrence Letter
- EPA Conformity Concurrence Letter
- TCEQ Conformity Concurrence Letter
- 12.1 - Resolution
- 12.2 - Mobility 2045
- 12.3 - 2021-2024 TIP
- 12.4 - Travel Model Validation
- 12.5 - VMT, Loaded Speed, and Centerline Mile Summaries
- 12.6 - Definition of Regionally Significant Roadway System
- 12.7 - Roadway System (Capacity Staging) and Network Link Listing (.xlsx)
- 12.8 - Network Shapefiles (.zip)
- 12.9 - Mode Choice Model Summaries
- 12.10 - MOVES Information and Analysis Notes
- 12.11 - MOVES Input and Output Files (.zip)
- 12.12 - MOVES Emission Factors (.zip)
- 12.13 - Estimated Hourly Emissions and Activity (.zip)
- 12.14 - VMT, Speed, and Emissions Summaries (.zip)
- 12.15 - Interagency Consultation Process
- 12.16 - Public Involvement Process